Richland Co., Ohio


Historical Records

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The Old Settlers' Meeting


Source:  Ohio Liberal:  09 July 1879



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The meeting of the pioneers of Richland County at the Fair Grounds on last Friday was, in every way, successful.  Not only was there an immense crowd in attendance, but everything passed off with the greatest harmony and good will, and every one seemed in the height of enjoyment.  By nine o'clock every road leading into the city was filled with wagons coming to the meeting.  Though numberless excursions ran from the city in every direction, many of the residents of Mansfield preferred the meeting at the fair grounds and went there.  The day was unusually fine.  A good breeze blew all day, making the air cool and agreeable.  The roads were a little dusty, but who cares for dust when an old settlers' pic-nic is the objective point?

At ten and one-half o'clock the meeting was called to order by the present of the day, Dr. Wm. Bushnell, when Gen. Brinkerhoff stepped forward on the stand (the meeting being in the amphitheater) and in a few words announced the object of the meeting, and the reasons for holding it on that day.  He said they had always before met when some other great thing was going on -- a fair, or something of the kind.  By such means they never could get the results desired, and hence the determination to hold an old settlers' pic-nic alone.  The crowd present fully justified the move, and he was glad to see they were not mistaken.  He then read the list of officers that had been nominated, who, by an unanimous vote were confirmed.

A song of pioneer days was then given by the old people present.  They were led by N.S. Guthrie, who must have been a music teacher when he and they were boys and girls.  First, the old "Buckwheat" notes were sung;  then the words, "Our days are like a leaf," etc., followed.  Following this song, "Liberty" was next sung in the same manner.  Prayer was then offered by James R. Gass, of Troy Township.  Mr. Guthrie then sang "Hail Columbia" in an excellent manner, speaking the words in an exceptionally clear style.  After this followed the essay on pioneer life and times by Miss Rosella Rice, of Perrysville.  This was an unusually excellent paper.  It was read in a clear voice, and commanded the best of attention.

On motion of Gen. Brinkerhoff, A.A. Graham was appointed assistant secretary, and instructed to keep a minute of proceedings.  The histories of townships were next called.  Mr. Jacob Claberg responded for Butler township.  He said:  "My father moved to Clear Creek township in the spring of 1819.  Indians were our nearest and most numerous neighbors.  Wolves, bears, deer and other wild animals were abundant.  Indian squaws often brought toys and trinkets to the cabin to exchange for food."  he related how five Indians came to the cabin one day;  one of them was rather drunk, and had a grudge against Mr. Claberg.  At some previous time he had punished him for some misdemeanor.  While talking, this Indian would continually mock Mr. Claberg, which became so annoying as to be unendurable.  He would not cease until Mr. C took down his gun, loaded and cocked it;  placed the muzzle against the Indian's breast and threatened to shoot unless the mockery ceased.  The argument proved effective.  School was not held in this township until 1834, owing to the fact of the land being largely owned by speculators.  They attended school in an adjoining township.  When necessary to go to the mill the neighbors joined teams and made a general day of it.  People often complain of hard times now.  They know nothing of them as compared to pioneer days.

The call of townships proceeded without response until Jefferson was called, when Reuben Evarts, Esq., read a few notes prepared by himself.  When Monroe township was called, Mr. C. Welty responded and read an interesting paper.  At its close, 'Squire Evarts moved to have all papers handed to the Secretary for publication instead of reading, as they evidently would consume much time, and owing to the peculiar arrangement for speaking, it was deemed the best plan.  The motion prevailed.

After a sumptuous repast in the grove in the rear of the amphitheater, the people gathered again to respond to the calls for old settlers, their place of birth, and date of settlement in the county. 

Beginning with the year 1809.  The call was made by Mr. J.H. Cook.  For that year none responded, though it was known that James and Samuel McCluer settled here then, and are still living in Troy Township. 

1810, No response. 

1811, Lewis K. Leady, born March 12, 1807, in Pennsylvania, came to this county June 6, 1811. 

1812, James R. Gass, born August 8, 1796, came in April, 1812. 

1813, No Response. 

1814, James Ralston, born 1799, came in the spring;  Nathaniel Amsbaugh, born in March, 1806;  David Johns, born in 1808, came in the spring;  Calvin Clark, born in August, 1808, came April 4th.;  David Long, born in 1811;  Robert Cairns, born in Mansfield, February 3.

1815.  Marcus Day, born 1808;  D.M. Snyder, born March 8, 1808;  John Doty, born June 13, 1810;  S. Steele, born in Bucks County, Pa., in 1798;  Clemens Day, born in Washington County, Pa., in 1814;  Henry Cook, born in Washington County, Pa., in 1814;  Robert Larimer, born in Fairfield County, Nov. 5, 1807;  A.L. Grimes, born in 1812;  Nathaniel Pittenger, born in 1804;  J.O. Hagerman, born in Ohio in 1804;  J.O. Hagerman, born in Ohio in 1811;  Mrs. Ellenor Day, born in 1787 (now 92 years old) in Hagerstown, Md. 

1816, James Morrison, born in Erie, Pa., in 1807;  Calvin Stewart, born July 21, 1811;  John Stephenson, born Aug. 22, 1811;  M.S. Guthrie, born in Harrison County, Pa., March 3, 1816, came in September;  Reuben Everts, born December 19, 1809, came in February;  Samuel Bennett, born October 22, 1796;  Jacob Claberg, born in Fairfield County, March 11, 1814, came in April;  Wm. Garrison, born in New York, in October, 1862;  Mrs. Cyntha Garrison, born July 21, 1808;  Masilla Andrews, born in Vermont, Aug. 10, 1810;  Samuel Stephenson, born in the county, in September, 1816;  J.H. Cook, born in the county, September 3, 1816;  Mrs. Sarah Finney, born in Washington County, Pa., in 1803. 

1817, John Peterson, born in the county, December 6, 1817;  Edward Wilkinson, born in Pittsburgh, in 1811;  Isaac Hall, born in the county, June 26, 1817;  Thomas Pollock, born in Fayette County, Pa., November 15, 1862;  came March 30;  Wm. Hagerman, born in the county, January 9, 1817. 

1818, C.C. Coulter, born in the county, September 30, 1818;  John Meridith, born in Coshocton Count, Ohio, in 1809;  Adam Frownelter, born in 1809, residence Crestline;  Mrs. Sarah Gass, born in Mahoning County, April 3, 1814. 

1819.  Mrs. Elizabeth Baughman, born in Licking County, O., in 1805;  Adam Linn, born in the county, November 11, 1819;  Enos Miles, born in Knox County, in April, 1819;  John Ward, born in England, March 18, 1816;  Asa Hosford, born in Richfield, Mass., June 17, 1799; first tavern-keeper at Galion (OH), near which city he now resides;  Mrs. Mary Welty, born in Allegheny County, Pa., July 10, 1809;  Mrs. H. Pulver, born in the county, April 21, 1819. 

1820, John F. Lewis, born in the county, February 2, 1820;  John Bishop, born in Virginia in 1811;  John Finney, born in Fayette County, Pa., August 1, 1801, came in April;  John Woodhouse, born in England in 1808, came in October;  Joshua Moore, born in Washington County, Pa., February 5, 1809, came in the spring;  James Finney, born February 25, 1810;  Barnabus Burns, born in Fayette County, Pa., June 29, 1817, came June 15;  John Bradley, born in Mercer County, Pa., May 31, 1809, came February 14;  Dr. Wm. Bushnell, born in Hartford City, Conn., in 1800, came to Ohio in 1805;  Perry Smart, born in Monroe Township, in October, 1820;  H.W. Patterson, born in Allegheny County, Pa., February 13, 1820, came in April;  Moses Walters, born in Fayette County, Pa., in 1890;  Wm. Simmons, born in the county, August 8, 1820;  W.M. Kerr, born in Washington County, Pa., in 1810. 

1821, Wm. S. Young, born in the county, May 14, 1821;  John M. Sweigart, born in Monroe Township, November 1, 1821;  Mrs. Mary A. Cook, born in Mansfield, August 26, 1821;  David Taylor, born in Bedford County, Pa., March 9, 1813;  Wm. W. Drennan, born in Canton, Ohio, July 28, 1820, came to Madison Township, now resides at Plymouth;  Mrs. Jane Lamley, born December 21.

1822;  Thomas Dickerson, born in Harrison County, Ohio, August 11;  Hiram Arnet, born in Belmont County, Ohio, in 1810;  James Neeley, born in Fairfield County, in 1801;  G.W. Darling, born in the county, December 22;  Mrs. Carolina Morrison, born in West Va., January 30, 1817. 

1823.  Charlotte Parker Wood, born in Mansfield;  Thomas E. Andrews, born in Canton, May 17, 1807, came in April;  H.S. Moser, born in the county, January 15;  Mrs. Elizabeth Curtis, born in Mansfield, October 24;  Samuel Case, born in New Jersey in 1814;  L.W. Andrews, born in New York, November 7, 1818, came in August;  A.S. Chew, born in Harrison County, October 15, 1811;  Jacob Musselman, born in Allegheny County, Md., July 11, 1820;  Mrs. Ann Niles, born in New York, October 11, 1809, came in November;  Charles Boals, born in Washington County, Pa., October 30, 1814.

1824.  Henry Dickson, born May 28, 1820;  Thomas Phillips, born in Rochester County, Md., January 13, 1800;  William Piper, born in Cumberland County, Pa., December 9, 1811, came in April.

1825.  John F. Murphy, born in Stark County, November 5, 1818, came in spring;  Levi Zimmerman, born in Union County, in 1815;  George Culler, born January 21, 1810, came in October;  Dimon Sturges, born in Mansfield, October 21;  Ephraim McFall, born in Mansfield, April 26;  J.W. Wigton, born May 13, 1819;  Samuel Clark, born October 17, 1825.

The above responded to the call.  Though many others may have been omitted, the officers of the association feel that a start has been made, which, if followed, will ultimately succeed.

On motion of Gen. Brinkerhoff, the officers were continued in office for the next year, and the place of meeting left for future action.

Exhibits of cleaning wheat by means of a sheet were then given by Uncle John Finney and others.

The process of preparing flax, was, owing to the failure of those appointed to bring the flax and various implements, omitted.  The wheel for spinning was, however, there.  Threshing wheat with a flail was shown by Robert Larimer and others.  These performances were held on the open track, in full view of all, and were truly enjoyable.  These closed the exercises for the day.   Before adjournment, Mr. Guthrie led the assembly in "Old Hundred" which though pitched a little high, was given with the gusto of olden times.  The assembly broke up fully conscious that they had a good time, and resolving that in the future pioneer pic-nics would be well attended.

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